Allofourshootingsportsrangesemphasizesafetyandfun.Therulesmayseemstrict, buttheyaredesignedtoensureasafeplaceforScoutstohonetheirshootingskills. Pleasedonotbringpersonalfirearms,bows,orammunitionBoyScoutCamp,therewill not be any opportunities for personal equipment to be used on Camp property. ArcheryTheArcheryRangeislocatedintheoldcorralareafortheBar-HranchabovetheOld Bunk house.RifleFollow the road past the amphitheater and hang a left at the road up to Mountain Man.ShotgunTheShotgunrangeislocatedabovetheCampDirectorscabinandacrossfromtheBear Gulch camping area. Listen for the Bang!Troop ShootAllofourrangesareavailableforTroopShootsduringopenshoottimes.Initialsignups happenattheSundaynightLeader’smeeting.Tocheckforopenslotslaterintheweek, see the Range Master. Limit 24 for Archery and 32 for Rifle.Open Shoot Fees – Check the Current Leader’s Guide for Fees•Archery: Free•Rifle: 1 Ticket = 1 target, 5 shots per target.•Shotgun: 1 Ticket = 1 clay pigeon, 1 shot per pigeon•Black powder: 2 Tickets = 1 ballRefer to the current Leader’s Guides for times or costs on all activities.