In the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, many boys participated in the “Russian Gulch Trek.” Ralph Benson “Conspired” to make this otherwise land-locked and unusable area a challenging outdoor camp. The camp utilized this area, known as “Russian Gulch”, for a week devoted to camping, cooking, and other outdoor activities, under the direction of Jerry McDonald. This property, which was not used after the Cazadero Ridge Fire in the 1970’s, is located on the route to Jenner and is accessible only with a 4 wheel drive vehicle, or by hiking into it. After a week of living in the woods, Scoutmasters picked up the well worn boys for their return to the civilized confines of Royaneh. The trek to the Russian Gulch campsite occasionally still takes place. Refer to the current Leader’s Guides for times or costs on all activities.

Russian Gulch

Camp Royaneh Established 1925, San Francisco Council
Copyright ©, All Rights Reserved
Camp Royaneh, 4600 Scanlon Road, Cazadero, CA  95421 Golden Gate Area Council-BSA, 6601 Owens Drive, Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA  94588  | PH: 925.674.6100 email:  |