Arrival Day: Troops should plan to arrive at Camp as a unit on Sunday between 12:00 pm and 1:30 pm. Check-in beginning at 12:00 pm. Inform Camp and the Council Office if you will not be arriving during this time. Checking Into Camp: Your Troop will be met by a member of Camp Staff on the dam bridge. The Scoutmaster Proceed straight to the Peninsula across from the parking lot to check-in Business Manager and your Troop Guide. Your Troop Guide will take you to your Campsite and onward on your tour. Having all forms and medications easily accessible will make your check-in go much smoother. If your Troop arrives before noon, please remain in the parking lot until check-in begins. If your scouts need to use the restroom they may walk to the Dining Hall restrooms in buddy pairs. Forms Checklist: - Local Tour Permit if not from GGAC - Final Camp Roster, 3 copies - Medical Forms - Permission to shoot form Moving Into Your Campsite: We highly encourage Scouts to hike their personal gear to the campsite. One car per unit at a time will be allowed to drive unit gear closer to the campsite. An adult leader and your SPL should be present and ready to inspect your campsite with your Troop Guide and help make tent assignments. Please be aware you may be sharing your site with another unit and make arrangements accordingly. Scouts should change into their swim gear in preparation for the camp tour. Be sure to have all Scouts and leaders wear close toed shoes and bring along a towel. Camp Orientation Tour: Your Troop Guide will take you on a tour of camp that will last between 2 and 3 hours (perhaps more or less depending on the size of your unit, among other things). The tour will consist of: Medical Rechecks, Program Area visits, Swim Checks, and Dining Hall seating assignments and orientation. Sunday Leaders Meeting: This meeting is to allow you to meet the Camp and Program Directors and your Camp Commissioner, as well as other unit leaders. We will discuss an overview of some camp policies and programs. We highly encourage each unit to have an adult leader and the SPL of the Troop present at this important meeting. Sunday Schedule: 1:00 pm Check in and camp orientation 5:00 pm First Dinner waiters due 5:15 pm First Dinner 6:00 pm Flags; Dinner 2 waiter due 6:15 pm Dinner 2 7:00 pm Scoutmaster and SPL meeting 8:30 pm Opening campfire Saturday Arrivals: Saturday arrival may be permitted with prior approval from the Council Office (extra fees apply). Please contact the Camping Department to make these arrangements. Units arriving on Saturday are responsible for their own meals until Sunday dinner. Camp will not provide any program until check-in begins on Sunday and all program areas will be closed and off limits. This includes the swimming area and boats at the Waterfront. Monday Arrivals: Units who are arriving on Monday morning need to arrive by 6:30 AM so that medical checks and Campsite check-in can be completed before breakfast. Please contact the Camping Department to make these arrangements and email the Camp Office ( ) by the Monday prior to your expected arrival.

Check-In (Arrival)

Camp Royaneh Established 1925, San Francisco Council
Copyright ©, All Rights Reserved
Additional Photos Needed Please email if you have one
Additional Photos Needed Please email if you have one
Additional Photos Needed Please email if you have one
Camp Royaneh, 4600 Scanlon Road, Cazadero, CA  95421 Golden Gate Area Council-BSA, 6601 Owens Drive, Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA  94588  | PH: 925.674.6100 email:  |